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cafe terrace, by Vincent...mias kai milame gia kafedakia...

...den adexw allo...eimai se periodo e3etastikhs kai klassika exw meinei teleiws pisw sto diabasma...kai menw olo kai pio pisw...o ruthmos me ton opoio meiwnw to diabasma mou au3anetai ekthetika kathws plhsiazoume sto thrash point pou einai h mera ths prwths e3etashs...kai sa na mhn eftane auto...olh auth h diadikasia pieshs apo ton eauto mou me odhgei se e3eretika upshlh katanalwsh mpiskotwn, sokolatas(maurhs fusika giati h entonh geush dinei polu megalutero boost) kai...ti allo...?KAFE!!!.....kai panw pou nomiza oti arxisa na briskw to swsto dromo kai apofasisa na 3exasw tis asxhmes epidraseis pou tha exei olh auth h diatrofikh krepalh ston organismo mou...panw pou epina to prwino mou kafedaki xazeuontas anemela se asxeta blog (etsi re paidi mou gia e3oikiwthw prwta me to pc kana misawro kai meta na arxisw to diabasma...mh mou pesei kai baru...) erxetai enas wraios kurios me ena wraio post na mou xalasei th mera!!!!!!! e oxi! de xreiazetai na mou pei kanenas poso blaberh einai h kafeinh gia ton organismo mou! to 3erw! kai olos o kosmos to 3erei! ta xoume pei auta...pleon oloi 3eroume gia oles tis blaberes sunhtheies pou exoume! ti na kanoume twra! tis exoume! mas tis lene kai oi giatroi, kai h mama mas, kai h menegakh ston prwino kafe, kai oi diaitologoi pou exoun ginei must stis prwines-meshmerianes-apogeumatines-metamesonukties ekpompes!!!! e twra tha mas to lene kai mesw blog?

tespa...i guess i needed a reason tou nag again...kathoti to diabasma fernei kafe kai o kafes fernei neura kai ta neura feroun grinia (toulaxiston se mena....)...mporw na pw pws hremisa kai tha piw ton polu polu gluko frape mou me ena mono pagaki(kathoti kanoume pou kanoume kako sthn ugeia mas... mhn kruologisoume kiolas...eleos!!!) kai tha diabasw me polu prosoxh giati grafontas autes tis blakeioules edw pera exasa alla 14 polutima lepta kai AGXWTHIKA!!!!

  • I'm bereniki
  • From athens, Greece
  • megalo mperdema... as mhn to analusoume... h' mhpws na to analysoume? :S :P
megalo berdema... as mhn to analusoume... h' mhpws na to analusoume? ;)

Which Trainspotting character am I?

    "Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit- crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?" -Trainspotting [movie]