E html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> cassi0pea: * κ α λ η ν ύ χ τ ε ς *

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* κ α λ η ν ύ χ τ ε ς *

Well you're up so high
How can you save me
When the dark comes here
Tonight to take me up
To my front walk
And into bed where it kisses my face
And eats my head
δεν είναι υπέροχο αυτό το ψιθύρισμα???????????????? ...σσσσσσσσσσσσ....
Oh what should I do I'm just a little baby
What if the lights go out....
and maybe
And then the wind just starts to moan
Outside the door
he followed me home
Now goodnight moon
I want the sun
If it's not here soon
I might be done
No it won't be too soon 'til I say
Goodnight moon
No it won't be too soon 'til I say
Goodnight moon
μερικές βραδιές λέω...
-πάλι καλά που υπάρχει και το φεγγάρι να του λέμε καληνύχτα...
απόψε δεν θα πω καληνύχτα σε κανέναν!
μόνο στο φεγγαράκι!
καληνύχτα φεγγαράκι... τα λέμε αύριο ;)
-καληνύχτα... *****

Kalhmera :) romantiko mou plasmatoudi esu - yia na mhn pw plasmatidio kai fanw polu..fusikos - Ti na kanw omws??M ephreases me ton gkika mallon.Eri3a apeiro gelio ki as mhn ton parakolou8ousa,nta3ei phgaina sto ma8hma tou alla ka8e fora xanomoun sto sumpan tou..Perimenw enagwniws keimeno yia Prifth!An kai sigoura tipota de mporei na sugri8ei me thn anaparastash pou tou kaneis..3ereis otan pairneis auto to 3inismeno-kaxupopto ufos tou,to shma katate8en tou en logw kuriou kai les diafora priftika..pws leme tsiftika?E,to akribws anti8eto!Anyway,8a arkestw se satiriko keimeno..alliws bazoume cam kai mou kaneis to ufaki tou ok?Yiati mou leipse opws katalabains...
Mmmmmmmmmouts!Kai pali KALHMERA romantiko m plasmatoud...ante,kalhmera plasma sketo!H fusikh einai pantoue3allou!Shit!!!

Είναι ένα από τα κομμάτια που φαντάζομαι να ακούγονται, αν η σκηνή που σου περιγράφω ήταν ταινία, και γώ (ως πρωταγωνίστρια) τον έχω αφήσει και έχω φύγει, έχοντας μαζέψει όλα τα κομμάτια μου ΕΤΟΙΜΗ για μια καινούρια αρχή... Είμαι στο αυτοκίνητο και το δυναμώνω...Κοιτάζω πίσω μου από τον καθρέφτη, χαμογελάω στον εαυτό μου, γκαζώνω και φευγω...
Την καλημέρα μου!..

San polles Fisikares den mazeutikan edw?
Kai i Fisiki einai pantou...
Ante mi mazepsw olous tous Gewponous kai sas arxisoun...
Egw den eimai Gewponos, apla xerw oti autoi einai oi pio agrioi.
An 8elete boi8eia fwnaxte

ah.. elpizw na mhn asxolithikate na to kateuasete kathoti eixe anebei to miso k eleipe to psithirisma! sssssssss!!!!!
twra einai ok! :)

kalimera sistaaaaaaa!
pshfizw camera+mic kathoti mou xoun leipsei autes oi le3eis sou! plasmatoudi, katalabains, palasmatoud, katerinoumpa, eirinoumpa kai alla polla! :P
ah exw polu kairo na kanw ton prifti.... tha to kataferw pisteuw! arkei na skefto to 4 pou mou eixe balei...
gia na dw...
xiiiiiiixixi!! to katafernw akoma!!! :P
makia apeira! (eisai o monos anthrwpos pou misei th fusiki kaid en ton antipathw... magia mou xeis kanei? :P)

k meta pas spiti k fobasai ton aera, fantazesai magises sta dentra kai kswtika katw apo to krebbati sou... k koimasai me opla giati theleis ton tupo na se prostatepsei..? elpizw oxi! elpizw na phres th swsth apofasi....
gkazia.. proxtes eipa k gw to kahmeno na gkazwsw k glustrisa sti broxi... den egine tpt eutuxws apla xestika panw mou kathoti egw phgaina eutheia k to toutou aristera.... eutuxws den uphrxe kaneis aristera! :P
xtes phgaina me 70 max :P

den asxolithikame pote me geoponous agaphte. (mallon epeidh den exei geoponiki h patra! :PPP)
an mas fereis kana xhmiko mporei kai na ton gratzounisoume!!! an mas fereis de kanenan hlektrologo tou polutexniou na mas poulhsei mourh oti kanoun k autoi hlektromagnhtismo.......... e tote tha anoi3oume biblia k tha tou baloume test! eeeeeee ma!!!! :P
agrioi oi geoponoi e?
mou bazeis idees twra! ;) :P


Καλημέρα Βερενίκη.
Μου άρεσε πολύ το Goodnight Moon και η διάθεσή σου...
Δυστυχώς, δεν μπόρεσα ακόμη να βρω το λήμμα «αμφίφλοξ» ή «αμφιβλοξ»
Δε σταματώ όμως. Θα ψάξω κι αλλού.
Προς το παρόν, πέρνα σε λίγη ώρα από το μπλογκ μου για να ακούσεις ένα απο τα αγαπημένα μου τραγουδάκια, αν θέλεις (αφιερωμένο σε σένα γιατί μου έφτιαξες - για άλλη μια φορά - τη μέρα)

The Real Tuesday Weld - "The Ugly & The Beautiful"

kalimera Nada :)
ah kai hthela na se rwthsw gia to αμφίβλοξ ή αμφίφλοξ!!! τίποτα ε? θα πρέπει να βρω τρόπο να επικοινωνήσω με τον τύπο να μου πει!!! KEEP LOOKING ESU! :)

tha perasw twra. elpizw na mou ftia3ei th mera (prospathw apo xtes bradu na ftia3w ti nuxta gia na einai ftiagmenh k h mera alla den! :S :P_)
xairomai pantws pou eftia3a ti dikia sou!

kalimera :)


Eimai o monos an8rwpos pou misei thn fusikh?!?Ax,sis,den th misw thn fusikh,de mou xei kanei tipota sto katw katw(toulaxiston oxi xwris thn 8elhsh mou :P) Autoi pou misw einai OI FYSIKOI kai oxi H FYSIKH! Ki otan lew fusikoi , anaferomai se olous osous pisteuoun oti exoun ma8ei pragmata pou ERMHNEYOUN episthmonika thn fush kai oxi oti thn PERIGRAFOYN episthmonika apla kai mono.Kati pou exei san apotelesma ena toupe apo pollous apautous...Oxi ap olous alla pollous.Auto to 3inismeno ufaki tou prifth pouxou...Alla kai oute tous misw,apla den einai ths sunomota3ias mou.Kai nai Nikolae,eite to 8es eite oxi,h fusikh einai pantou!Pantws mporw na enisxusw thn gewponikh omada an me xreiastei , pou den to nomizw..:P Arkei bebaia , o stoxos ths na einai tetoiou tupou fusikoi opws tous periegrapsa kai oxi apo tous allous,pou einai prwta an8rwpoi kai meta fusikoi.Yiati uparxoun kai tetoiou eidous fusikoi kai autoi einai apla YPEROXOI AN8RWPOI.Ti les sis mou?

u know me...
den mporw na pw kaki koubenta gia sunadelfo! kai poso mallon gia trello epistimona!
twra gia ton prifti.. tha sumfwnousa me ola osa les an den eixa perasei ekeina ta 45 lepta sto grafeio tou opou tou ekana me eilikrinia tis parathrhseis mou k me akouge me ena ufos... etoimos na klapsei mporw na pw se kapoia fasi!
(re sisi.. mhpws na ginw dikigoros kapoia stigmh? :P)
genika pisteuw pws gia olo auto to ufaki apo tous kathigitarades , exoume megalo meros tis euthunis emeis! kai panw apo ola ftaiei H FUSIKI, pou exei toso aperanti gnwsi na mas prosferei, pou den prolabainoume... akoma k gia oli mas ti zwi na diabazoume den tha prolaboume na ta mathoume ola!
kai opws eixa pei k ston a3iomnhmoneuto AH PWS TON LEN! O MY GOD! TON KATHIGITI TIS THERMODUNAMIKIS?......tespa de mou rxetai.. opws tou eixa pei loipon:
gia ola ftaine oi ormones! an den eixame ormones tha diabazame perissotero ;)

pantws mhn anhsuxeis! esu tha eisai apo tous pio agaphtous fusikous pou perasan pote apo thn ellada! kai apo tous pio petuxhmenous! eilikrina to pisteuw auto! to xeis mesa sou ki as mhn to niwtheis akoma! to xw niwsei egw ;)


e tote , afou to xeis niwsei mono esu ,mono yia sena 8a eimai :) glukia mou . E3allou egw den eimai fusikos,opws 3ereis..mono thn afhrhmada enos fuskikou exw ki auto de nomizw na arkei..Daskala - pasxizw na ginw h roumana - autou tou e3eidikeumenou antikeimenou.Alla ws twra , mono h daskala agglikwn kai filosofias mou bgainei...
Nai re su pws ton len ton skasmeno?O agaphmenos mou meta ton karaxalio,mou bale 10 sthn stastistikh!Oxi,auto h8ela na tupw8ei kapou..:P o...pws ton len???

HAHAHA mh peis tipota gia th mnhmh mou! to mono pou thimomoun htan oti arxizei apo Z! epsa3a gia to biblio statistikis k to brika ;)
ektos apo 10 sti statistiki eixes parei k kati 8ria k 9ria sta FuSTiKia! (FusikiSTereasKatastasis)
eisai megali epistimonissa! mouts!

Τι υπέροχο τραγούδι. Τι υπέροχη φωνή.
Μπορώ να σου πω οτι το έχω ακούσει και στον ύπνο μου μια δυο φορές.

...καλοκαιρινα βράδια

ti mou kaneis twra! einai paraskeui k grafw to 13o comment! ;)
...opws ta les einai..nothing more and nothing less! :)


Δημοσίευση σχολίου

  • I'm bereniki
  • From athens, Greece
  • megalo mperdema... as mhn to analusoume... h' mhpws na to analysoume? :S :P
megalo berdema... as mhn to analusoume... h' mhpws na to analusoume? ;)

Which Trainspotting character am I?

    "Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit- crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?" -Trainspotting [movie]