E html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> cassi0pea: kai 3afnika....oi dromoi tis Patras gemisan Mpoumpounieres!

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kai 3afnika....oi dromoi tis Patras gemisan Mpoumpounieres!

5 xronia foithths sthn Karnabaloupoli kai na mhn exeis labei meros sto karnabali.....egine pote?....ki omws egine! oxi mono gia mena alla gia oloklhrh thn parea mou...arxika thn eidame epanastates...1o etos kai apofasisame na mhn akolouthisoume to reuma kai na meinoume ektos group! sthn poreia katalh3ame na eimaste isws h pio nwxeliki koritsoparea twn epoxwn...polla sxedia pou omws emeinan ekei! sto na oneiropoloume kai na fadazomaste katastaseis eimastan No1...alla pada kata ena periergo tropo katalhgame na kanoume ta idia pragmata kai gia na pw thn alh8eia...auth h statherothta mou arese polu...exei kanei oles mou tis anamnhseis polu entones...twra pia otan skeftomai patra skeftomai polu sugekrimena pragmata...erhnh-bluemonday-ontas-minos-rakomelo-ale3ia-mod's-mayra-disco party-swtos-xasomeri-kastro-faros-giwrgos-karabakia-elvis-u're the one that i want-skalia-andrikopoulos-gwnia-veso-paralies-psathopurgos-axinoi-broxh.....kai ola auta einai toso entona pou ka8e fora pou briskomai pisw niwthw entelws AT HOME...ki as mhn einai ekei oloklhrh h parea..kathe fora pou tha mpw sto bluemonday kai tha dw ton elvis na mou kleinei to mati...akoma kai thn teleutaia fora pou h fwteinh epigrafh pou toso agapw den anabe, uphrxe ekei h aiwra me tis mpananes...mikres leptomeries pou den allazoun...k pou de tha tis eixa prose3ei an den htan toso sugkekrimenh h tempeliki zwh mou sthn patra...kai gia na pw thn maurh alhtheia...den ta xortasa ola auta...tha mporousa na meinw gia pada ekei...stis idies katastaseis...telika pleon anagnwrizw pws hmoun para polu tuxerh...eixa brei exactly auto pou xreiazomoun...ta atoma kai ta merh...akribws auta pou me ekfrazoun..k osh ore3h k na eixa gia anazhthseis den metanoiwnw pou emeina ekei kollhmenh gia 4 xronia(thn 5h pou anefera arxika ousiastika eleipa sthn agglia...pragmatopoiwntas kapoies apo tis anazhthseis...)

Anyway h ousia einai oti fetos pou phrame oloi ta ptuxia apofasisame na sumbaloume se auto pou legetai KARNABALI. efuga loipon prwi Sabbatou apo thn megaloupoli kai phga sto stroumfoxwrio, opws apokalei thn karnabaloupoli mia psuxi.. sunantisa kai tis alles 7 roz mpoumpounieritses mou kai 3exuthikame mazi me alles polles...aspres kai roz sthn odo korinthou! Mporo na pw pws ferame to xamo me tis mpales pou petousame pera dwthe... ai sixtirisa kiolas polles fores kathoti oi mpales htan terastiou kai mou rthan kai sth mouri 7 fores!!!...to kefi htan toso pou de xreiastike na pioume stala maurodafni!!! to ruzi pou petousame stous theates korufaio apla! Ftanontas sthn Plateia Georgiou niwsame star! ola ta fwta kai oi kameres panw mas!(nta3ei pio star eixa niwsei bebaia stin orkomosia!) o kosmos na gelaei kai na fwnazei kai emeis na gkarizoume kuriolektika alla polu ruthmika: MPO MPO NIE RES-MPO MPO NIE RES!!!!
telika mexri na teleiwsoume thn parelash eixame xasei olh mas thn energeia...autos einai o monos logos pou metanoiwnw gia th mh summetoxh mou sto prwto etos...allo na dianueis auth thn apostasi sta 20 kai allo sta 26...!!!!

To zhsame loipon kai auto...monadiki empeiria omologw kai me epikrotw pou emenena na to kanoume tosa xronia....kai ta katafera en telei! den tha to 3anakanw omws...einai apo auta pou niwtheis oti theleis k prepei na zhseis alla den trellenesai kiolas...se stigmatizoun alla mexri ekei...apla to thimasai kai sou ftanei...mia fora kai ksedipsases! isws an pote ginw episimi patrinia....(pou polu to thelw!!!) na trexw me ta mwra sto karotsaki ntumenoi pastes...etsi giati polu goustarw na blepw ta mwrakia kai ta paidakia mesa sto pneuma ths trellas! ................mexri tote................................................... tha phgainw stin patra gia na kleinw to mati ston elvis,na xoreuw mexri telikis ptwsews sto mod's kai na perimenw gia to teleutaio 40lepto pou paizei o kataplhktikos xontroulis ta o,ti-na-nai tou...na phgainw teleutaia stigmh na tou zhtaw u-'re the one that i want kai na lunetai sta gelia...na me kernane rakomela ston Onta, na xazeuw ta kumata apo to faro kai to bradu na mou leei h Eirhnh
"Kalhnuxta Fusikara mou!!!".............................

  • I'm bereniki
  • From athens, Greece
  • megalo mperdema... as mhn to analusoume... h' mhpws na to analysoume? :S :P
megalo berdema... as mhn to analusoume... h' mhpws na to analusoume? ;)

Which Trainspotting character am I?

    "Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit- crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?" -Trainspotting [movie]