A day without me .... (U2)
Whatever the feelingsI keep feeling
What are the feelings You left behind
Today's a day without me
......how does it feel? (:sataniko gelio!)
What are the feelings You left behind
Today's a day without me
......how does it feel? (:sataniko gelio!)
Epeidi s'exasa tis 2 teleutaies meres logw koinwnikwn ipoxrewsewn kai allwn ili8iwn katastasewn, 8a apantisw me stixous twn James
Posted by Ανώνυμος | 6:57 μ.μ.
polu wraio mpempa!
:) para polu wraio!
Posted by Bliss | 11:54 μ.μ.
pinezare paw na dw apanthsh :)
xronia polla margaki :***
kai xronia polla se olous mas
e-re glentia pou tha ginoun shmera!
Posted by bereniki | 12:53 π.μ.