Ultra Violet (just a part of..) - U2

Photographer: Ian Britton
I remember
when we could sleep on stones...
Now we lie together
In whispers... and moans...
When I was all messed up
And I heard opera in my head...
your love was a light bulb
Hanging over my bed...
Baby Baby Baby...
Baby Baby Baby...
Baby Baby Baby light my way....!
(To all the Sweet Hearts of this stupid world!)
xixix m arese h afierwsh!
wraio to kommati auto ontwssssss
Posted by
Bliss |
11:54 π.μ.
3ereis ti m'aresei pio polu? o,ti se diaforetikes faseis tis zwis sou to afierwneis ki allou... prin liga xronia ena sweetheart mou eipe... o Bono kai oi alloi "3EROUN"...akou prosektika gia na mathaineis+su!
merikes fores xamogelaw kai tous blepw na mou kleinoun ponhra to mataki:
a man will rise
a man will fall
from the sheer face of love
like a fly from a wall
it's no secret at all!!!
Posted by
bereniki |
12:02 μ.μ.
den lew tpt allo para mono axxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
Posted by
Bliss |
12:52 μ.μ.